Main characteristics
- Location
- Chandler, Arizona
- Company
- Department of Homeland Security
Job summary
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is recruiting professionals to support a range of technical roles in Cybersecurity Defensive Operations - Intelligence Collection & Analysis as well as Planning, Execution & Analysis, including Network Operations Security Center (NOSC) Cloud Subject Matter Expert (SME), NOSC Cyber SME, Cyber Forensics Malware Analysis (CFMA) SME, Senior Analytic Tradecraft Advisor, and Incident Manager. All positions are in the DHS Cybersecurity Service.There are a variety of Cybersecurity Defensive Operations - Intelligence Collection & Analysis as well as Planning, Execution & Analysis opportunities across the Department, including supporting several specialized programs at the ) the , , and the.Depending on your career level and role, DHS Cybersecurity Service employees in the Technical Career Track, with a technical capability in Cybersecurity Defensive Operations expertise to perform a range of tasks, including:
Creating and implementing end-to-end tactical and strategic level cyber operations plans based on technical cybersecurity understanding, applicable policies, and rules of engagement.
Supporting the development of primary and contingency action plans, using expertise to select the most appropriate and effective methods of defense/attack that align with operational protocols.
Employing best practices and available capabilities for mounting defensive and/or offensive cyber operations against identified threats to DHS networks and systems.
Applying knowledge of national strategies, plans, policies, and directives for offensive and/or defensive cyber operations including but not limited to U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Directive 3600.1, Director of Central Intelligence Directives (DCIDs), National Security Presidential Directives (NSPDs), Homeland Security Presidential Directives (NSPDs).
Examining indicators of compromise and integrating digital forensics and incident response data to bolster DHS and DHS partners' defenses at each step of the cybersecurity defensive operations process.
Engaging with a community of network defenders as well as other intelligence components to better understand identified intrusion sets and deviations and to build better defensive cybersecurity strategies.
Conducing reverse malware analysis and applying engineering techniques to prevent incidents or mitigate threats to DHS or Federal systems and networks.
Collecting and disseminating information on cyber threats or threat actors using various intelligence collection tools and methods.
Identifying information needs and requirements of customers and formulating effective, executable collection plans and strategies to meet those needs.
Analyzing all-source intelligence on current and emerging cyber threats to identify and evaluate the intent and capabilities of cyber actors using intelligence community analytic standards.
Providing cyber intelligence and analysis to inform cyber operations and supporting intelligence cycle by evaluating information and identifying customer needs for finished intelligence analysis.
Preparing and refining draft or final intelligence products - including written reports or briefings - in tandem with counterparts in the intelligence community - for a variety of audiences, including senior government officials and other decision makers, planners, or network defenders.
Serving as a technical mentor to DHS employees in cyber defensive operations and those seeking to build expertise in the field.
DHS Cybersecurity Service employees start at career levels and salaries matching their experience and expertise. In recruiting for this opportunity, DHS may hire employees at higher or lower career levels and associated salaries. This position is in the Technical Track across a range of career levels. Employees in this career track generally:
Have between 5-15 years of cybersecurity work experience.
Range from experienced cybersecurity professionals who apply technical expertise and independent judgement to perform cybersecurity work - to - recognized Federal cybersecurity technical authorities with uncommon technical expertise who advise on cybersecurity challenges impacting DHS and the Nation.
DHS Cybersecurity Service employees with a technical capability in Cybersecurity Defensive Operations will generally:
Integrate, manage, and execute all aspects of the cyberattack lifecycle to inform cyber defense operations.
Plan and execute cybersecurity defense operations to protect assets
Facilitate the flow and assessment of key intelligence data.
Determine system security monitoring and incoming intelligence feeds based on dynamic security environment.
Oversee immediate remediation and containment processes.
DHS Cybersecurity Service employees start at career levels and salaries matching their experience and expertise. In recruiting for this opportunity, DHS may hire employees at higher or lower career levels and associated salaries. To learn more about DHS Cybersecurity Service career tracks and levels, visit our .
This position is focused on Cybersecurity Defensive Operations- Intelligence Collection & Analysis and Planning, Execution & Analysis.
DHS Cybersecurity Service jobs are structured cybersecurity specializations - called technical capabilities. To learn more about technical capabilities, visit our .